School Ambassadors
Our Year 6 pupils can apply to become Subject Ambassadors - it's a great role with lots of responsibility.
We have Ambassadors for the following subjects - English, Maths. Geography/History, Computing, Art, Design Technology and Music.
Their role description is:
- To support and work with the school subject lead
- Be a champion for your subject within our whole curriculum
- To be able to talk about your subject in school positively and knowledgeably
- To take part in regular monitoring to know the strengths of your subject and areas to improve
- To listen to other views about your subject and give feedback (children/staff/SLT/Governors)
- To find ways to make improvements in your subject to make it even better
So far the Computing Ambassadors have led an assembly on E-safety and the English Ambassadors have led an assembly based on a brand new set of books in school. They have all been busy meeting the relevant staff members in school and establishing themselves throughout school.