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Meet the Governors

Cams Lane Local Governing Committee (LGC) – within The Collective Community Trust

Within the Trust there are Members and Trustees of the Trust. At school level, there are School Governors forming the Local Governing Committee.

Term of Office

LGC members serve a term of office for a period of [up to] four years, which may be extended by trustees for further terms. Elected parent/carer and nominated staff representatives are elected for a term of four years. Parent/carer representatives are eligible for re-election. The Headteacher will serve as ex-officio Governor for as long as s/he remains in office.

Cams Lane LGC members:

Parent governor Mel Higgens
Parent governor Lisa Antrobus
Teaching staff governor Cath Cooper
Support staff governor Michelle Rhodes
Co-opted governor Anne Beagan CO-CHAIR
Co-opted governor Elaine Sexton CO-CHAIR
Co-opted governor David Roberts VICE
Headteacher Marie Statham







Link Governors

Health and Safety David Roberts
Equality - SEND Elaine Sexton
Equality – Pupil Premium & CYPIC Elaine Sexton
Website Lisa Antrobus
Stakeholder Voice Michelle Rhodes
Safeguarding/Prevent Anne Beagan
EYFS Michelle Rhodes
Key Stage 1 Michelle Rhodes
Key Stage 2 Lisa Antrobus
Curriculum Lisa Antrobus
Well Being Mel Higgens
E-safety/Online Safety/Filtering & Monitoring Lisa Antrobus
Attendance Michelle Rhodes
Mental Health/Pastoral/PSHE Anne Beagan